Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Trails to You, Until We Meet Again

Hello, just wanted a quick note to say -- working at KCLS has been fun, and this Learning 2.0 - 27 Things has been wonderful. Now, can I get my MP3 player sent to me? I am looking forward to it.

I am off to a new adventure outside of KCLS...but I will keep you wonderful people in my heart and my mind.

New topics for KCLS Learning U - begin to use the new technology promote KCLS services, improve collaboration and communication, increase the technical knowledge and currency of staff - incoming and long-term.

Thank you for all the fish, David and Laurel.


Snoodle said...

Oh! What's your new adventure going to be?

KCLS Learning 2.0 said...

1 player to Guam coming up. Best of luck to you...