Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wikis, Easy as PBJ's

So that's what wikis are! Well, wikis are great tools. They remind me of a couple of my college courses in the philosophy and religion sections. I went to a liberal arts university. The Jesuits were big on a well-rounded education. Besides the sciences, students at my school had to take some Humanities courses. Two of my courses were World Religion and Philosophy. I can not remember which one covered the idea of a collective knowledge and collective consciousness. The idea is all humans can tap into this giant well of knowledge and consciousness, but because humans forgot or learn to block out the link to this wealth of knowledge, we prevent ourselves from taking a drink from this pool of information.
I think the Web and Web 2.0 technologies is making that happen again. Through the wonderful use of Wikis and the Internet, people again are gaining access to tremendous amounts of information, and they can also take an active part in the creation and dissemination of Information to the Collective Knowledge of humans. Now, if only, we have enough space to back everything up :)

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